Jul 7, 2020
The ALL ME® Podcast
SARMs - What does the research say? - Dr. James Dalton
Athletes are always looking for a competitive edge and many choose to take the clean approach in doing things the right by Training Hard, Eating Right, and Playing Fair. This is actually what we at the Taylor Hooton Foundation say is ALL ME. But there are those who look for ways to try and cheat the system by using a performance enhancing substance. Fairly new to the market is a product called Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators or SARMs, which was first introduced in 1998 as a non-steroidal therapeutic drug. Prohibited for use in all collegiate and professional sports, some athletes feel they may be a safer alternative to steroids. Why are SARMs banned for competition and are they safe to take? Are they a safer alternative to steroids and what does the research say about dosage?
In this episode, I will be speaking with Dr. James Dalton who has spent over 20 years researching the effects of SARMs in clinical populations as well as exploring the potential side effects of SARMs, their safety, and whether or not he would recommend SARMs to his 19 year old son who was asking about their use and safety?
Dr. Dalton’s Bio
James T. Dalton, Ph.D. is Dean and Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences in the College of Pharmacy at the University of Michigan. He received his Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy from the University of Cincinnati (1986) and Doctor of Philosophy in pharmaceutics and pharmaceutical chemistry from Ohio State University (1990). Dean Dalton rose through the faculty ranks in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences in the College of Pharmacy at the University of Tennessee (1992-2000) before returning to Ohio State where he served as Professor and Chair in the Division of Pharmaceutics (2000-2007). He began an entrepreneurial leave of absence from Ohio State in 2005 and finally left OSU in 2007 to devote his full time effort as Chief Scientific Officer at GTx, Inc. in Memphis, TN (2007-2014) where he oversaw the preclinical and clinical development of selective androgen receptor modulators, which he will be talking about today. He was recently elected to the National Academy of Medicine and is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS). He has co-authored over 300 original abstracts and peer-reviewed scientific manuscripts and is an inventor on over 400 United States and international patent applications related to selective androgen receptor modulators, selective estrogen receptor alpha and beta ligands, tubulin antagonists, and receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors.
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