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ALL ME Podcast

Oct 17, 2023

The ALL ME® Podcast

Partnership for Clean Competition – Ryan Murphy

When it comes to athletes having a level playing field anti-doping plays a major role in sports.  According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary anti-doping is defined “opposing or prohibiting illegal doping (such as blood doping or the use of anabolic steroids or growth hormones) to improve athletic performance.”  In today’s podcast we’re going to talk to Ryan Murphy who is the Executive Director and who leads the efforts of the Partnership for Clean Competition (PCC).

 The PCC isn’t a governing body when it comes to anti-doping, but they play a very important role by helping fund projects that give researches and laboratories the very best tools and information to help prevent doping.  As the Executive Director, Ryan plays a key role in making sure that projects within the anti-doping space are being funded, oversees organization strategy and daily operations as well as stays in touch with his Board of Directors and Scientific Advisory Board.

If you’re interested in applying for a grant through the PCC it would be best for you to start by reviewing their website:

One of the ways that the PCC is helping spread great information about the world of anti-doping is through the “Anti-Doping Podcast” which the THF was a part of in early 2023.

During the interview we talked about some of the projects that the PCC has funded which has helped change the landscape of anti-doping.  One of the tools that we’re going to discuss in this interview is the Tasso Device which makes the blood sample collection a much easier process.

As we close out the interview Ryan will talk about the PCC Conference that takes place every two years.  The THF has taken part in many if not most of the conferences since they began years ago.  Anyone who is interested and/or takes part in the anti-doping space should definitely check out the PCC conference in 2025.

It was a lot of fun to interview Ryan as he does a great job of explaining all of the facets of work that the PCC takes part in.  We hope you enjoy this interview and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to send us an email or give us a phone call.

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