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ALL ME Podcast

Dec 1, 2020

The ALL ME® Podcast

Doping in Non-Mainstream Sports – Chuck Kasson

When people hear the word doping or Performance Enhancing Drugs usually they think about cycling, or football, or baseball or Olympic Sports.  Most wouldn’t think about The Highland Games.  What are the Highland Games?  During this interview Highland Games Professional Athlete, Chuck Kasson, will provide some insight in to how the Highland Games got started, what events athletes participate in as well as how to get involved in this sport. 

Kasson, now in his mid-thirties, stands 6’ 4” tall is still pushing himself to be the best and doing it without the use of Appearance and Performance Enhancing Substances. Chuck has been competing professionally in the highland games since 2014 and by 2015 he was ranked in the top 10 and finished 3rd at the U.S. Nationals in 2016.  As a professional athlete Chuck has taken a strong stance when it comes to doping in his sport.  He’s very passionate about competing clean and having a level playing field against his competitors.  Currently he’s pushing hard to make sure that all athletes are educated on the topic of Appearance & Performance Enhancing Substances as well as pushing for more testing.

Resource Links:

  • North American Scottish Games Athletics: 
  • Follow Chuck on Social Media:
    • Twitter: @mrchuckkasson
    • Instagram: @mrchuckkasson

Did You Know?

  • Over 1.5 million teens admit to using anabolic steroids.
  • The #1 reason young people turn to anabolic steroids is to look better.
  • Up to 25% of Dietary Supplements are contaminated with illegal drugs and banned substances.
  • 85% of students have never been educated on this topic.

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